Planning - Agenda and Minutes
How the Parish Council is involved in the Planning Process.
East Hampshire District Council and the South Downs National Park Authority are the Local Planning Authority and all planning applications for Farringdon can be viewed on its website Planning Applications - South Downs National Park Authority
The Parish Council is consulted on every planning and listed building consent application received by the Local Planning Authority. However, the Parish Council has only 21 days to respond. In all cases, applications will be considered at public meetings; this might mean a Special Meeting or an application being added to an agenda at short notice. The Parish Council can object to applications but can only do so on Planning grounds.
Planning Committees are held between the Full Council meetings when the closing date for the consultation period for planning applications can not be extended to the next Full Council meeting. For these meetings use the drop down menu (by year).
See 'Parish Council Minutes' for details of planning applications not mentioned here.