Sunnyside Brightstone Lane:
Replacement dwelling following demolition, site clearance and preparation
Rosebank Upper Farringdon:
Double garage wood construction with tiled pitch roof
19 Parsonage Close Upper Farringdon: Proposed First Floor side extension over existing Ground Floor. New timber cladding to proposed and existing First Floor areas. Proposed Ground Floor front porch extension.
Gwenby Upper Farringdon:
Angerton Upper Farringdon:
Listed building consent - Garden outbuilding and carport following demolition of existing garage
Kitcombe House, Kitcombe:
Churchers Upper Farringdon:
4 Florrie Place:
West Cross House Upper Farringdon:
Removal of slate hanging to west and south elevations and repair of infill panels
Allerton Upper Farringdon: Detached shed/summerhouse
Cobbles Upper Farringdon: Eucalyptus Tree - Fell. Cherry Tree - Fell. Cornus - Crown reduction from height of 10 metres to 5 metres and spread from 7 metres to 5 metres.
High Wind Upper Farringdon:
Extension to roof to increase size of master bedroom and 3 dormer windows and one additional window.
Lawful Development Certificate for a Proposed Development - Loft conversion
Kitcombe Barn, Kitcombe:
Farringdon Place Upper Farringdon: Cedar (T1) Remove lower limb that is hanging over telephone wire (as shown in photo supplied 19/05/21) Yew (T2) Remove epicormic growth and crown thin the canopy by no more than 15% Lime (T3) Crown Thin the canopy by no more than 15%
Old School House Upper Farringdon: Listed building consent - Re-tile the entire house and porch roofs. Replace the timber fascia and bell tower timber cladding and replace the roofing on the Dormer windows.
Land North East of Serendipity Brightstone Lane: Discharge of Condition 3 for Planning Permission 20/05348/FUL - Establishment of a new permanent vehicular access off Brightstone Lane, into a SEW booster station site.
Manor Farm Upper Farringdon:
Westhill House Kitcombe: Change of use of land for a All Weather Riding Arena (additional information received on 29/04/2021, 05.05.2021, 11/05/2021 and 13/05/2021)
The Drift Upper Farringdon:
Gilberts Cottage Upper Farringdon:
Listed Building Consent - detached glasshouse to rear
Tangley Hall Upper Farringdon: Silver Birch x 3 in the rear garden to the east of the tennis court. - Reduce height to approx 6 metres and width to approx 4 metres
2 Westcross Cottages Upper Farringdon: Discharge Condition 2 .4.5.6.&7 for Planning Permission 20/02724/HOUS - Single storey rear extension (As amended by plans received 07/08/2020)